Applications > Heavy hybrid vehicle
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Heavy hybrid vehicle

The energy type supercapacitor energy storage system can serve as a traction power supply system, providing energy during vehicle startup, acceleration, and travel. It also provides efficient energy recovery and storage units (which can reduce traction energy consumption by more than 30%) for assisting acceleration and supplying power to the electrical system during braking.

As an auxiliary energy storage system used in parallel with the battery energy storage system, it can reduce the burden on the battery, extend the service life of the battery, and provide an integrated starting power solution, improving the low-temperature starting performance of the vehicle, extending the service life of the battery, and improving the reliability of the power system.

The energy storage unit required for emergency starting power or emergency repair power supply in extreme low temperature environments (-40 ℃) and battery failure.

The hybrid system of hydrogen fuel cell and supercapacitor provides continuous output for vehicle loads. Energy type supercapacitors can play a role in high-power output compensation, braking energy recovery, and voltage stability.
